Community Health Partners (CHP) is a local not for profit organization registered in Kenya in 2011. Before this registration it was in operation since 1980 creating 11 ambulatory care clinics in Narok South and West Sub Counties of Narok County under the umbrella of Christian Missionary Fellowship (CMF).
It is one of the largest health service providers alongside the Ministry of Health in Narok County. It operates three health centers and four dispensaries, plus a service of mobile units to remote villages. CHP Clinics are located in the following areas: Ewaso Ngiro, Aitong, Mara Rianta, Talek, Endoinyio Erinka, Olkoroi, and Elangata Enterit. Our Vision is to empower healthy people experiencing compassion of Christ.
At CHP we partner with other stakeholders to transform community through provision of high quality, accessible and affordable holistic health services and Economic empowerment to improve livelihood.
The Board, Management and Staff of Community Health Partner (CHP) recognize the fact that the organization operates in always changing environment that continue to offer new opportunities and challenges. In this regard the team is committed and focused in strategic direction that is critical to enable CHP to succeed in achieving its desired goals. CHP will always reposition itself to take both advantages of the existing strengths and opportunities.