Kuboresha, Kudumisha na Kulinda (3 K) Narok Project is a three years project designed to improve the well-being of school going children in Narok South, North and East sub-counties of Narok County by increasing school retention rates, improving school health and nutritional status and strengthening child protection systems.
The General objective is to contribute towards the realization of equitable quality education, good health and well-being of children in Narok County.
The Specific objective is to increase the access of children, especially girls, to a better quality basic education in a healthier and more protected environment at school and community level in Narok South, Narok North and Narok East sub-counties
The project is implemented in 28 schools reaching 14,782 children (7,105 F and 7,677 M) and 3,344 adults, that is 1,400 caregivers, 140 school management committee members, 56 teachers and 12 project staff, 25 members of the County Area Advisory Council (AAC), 75 members of the Locational Area Advisory Council (LAAC), 56 community paralegals, 30 NACCSNET members, 30 CHVs for family training, 400 women in reproductive age accessing the maternity unit for delivery, and 1,120 men during reproductive health talks.
– Quality of education improved among 14,782 children in 28 primary schools. This include training of BOM members, motivational talks for the children in primary schools, provision of ECD chairs and tables, and recreational material, construction of classrooms, support to regular schooling, close follow up of school activities and performance even through sessions with teachers, BOM and parents/caregivers to improve academic standards and reduce chronic absenteeism and drop-outs.
– Improved watsan, health and nutrition conditions in the 28 targeted schools. This include integrated school health outreaches, provision of water tanks, water harvesting and hand washing facilities, construction of VIP latrines, tree planting.
– Strengthened reproductive health services and awareness at community level, including activities like training to CHVs on family planning, dissemination of the national Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH), support to the county ASRH multi-stakeholder forum, and provision of reproductive health care services to women (15-49 years) visiting Ewaso Ngiro health centre.
– Child protection promoted at school and community level. This includes training of teachers on child care and protection, raising awareness among the children on child protection issues and life skills, sensitizing caregivers on child protection, strengthening community child protection systems, supporting children assemblies, referral and linkages for abused children, marking of important days to raise awareness such as the Day of The African Child and Zero Tolerance on FGM.
The project implementing partners will work in collaboration with the various government offices and departments in Narok County including Children’s department, Department of Gender and Social services, Ministry of Health and other health care providers, Ministry of Education, and NACCSNET members. The total project budget is 765,000 EUR.